
Rosabella scale , the friend of your health

149 €

Weigh , that's good. Measure its fat, is better! That is why today we offer this impedance meter. If body fat is essential for the vital functions of the organism, its excess present known risks to health. An impedance meter scale allows you to closely monitor your body fat level to help you stay within the desired limits. In addition, measurement of body fat is especially important for judging the effectiveness over time of weight loss programs. The impedance also provides other information such as your body water percentage (also called rate of hydration or water percentage). This data is useful because a body water deficit may have non négligables impact on health, ranging from a simple breakdown of humor and a light tiredness (for the security deficit of 1 %) to coordination problems, vomiting, cramps etc ... (for bigger deficits). Hydration A loss of more than 10% is synonymous with danger.